Erasmus+ Project for Introction of ICF into support planning processes in school

    The main goal of the project is to increase learning opportunities of pupils and students with developmental difficulties/disability.

    This is reached by introducing the ICF (International Classification of Functionning, Disability and Health, WHO 2001) in terms of a common language into support planning processes in school.

    By using this comon language professionals (teachers) increase goal orientation, logic conistency of support plans and higher efficiency of support processes, as the ICF structure enables a transsectoral framework.

    An ICF-oriented support plan allows participation of all involved beneficiaries (including parents), goal oriented support processes (by defing observable goals

    The project is carried out by 9 Partners from 3 European countries(Austria, North Macedonia, Turkey) and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis.

    "ICF-Plan" will last from October 1st, 2022 until September, 30th, 2024. All products will be available in German, Macedonian and Turkish language.