"Plan-ICF" aims to provide a simple electronic tool for support planning based on the ICF for the school professionals and thereby to improve the learning opportunities of students with developmental difficulties. This will be accomplished through introduction of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a common language in the support planning processes in schools.


How does this work?


The project supports professionals to use a simple ICF template for the creation of anonymized individual support plans.


In this process the professionals will be supported by four free tools (helping files) which are following the basic structure of the ICF:


  1. Training materials on respective specific ICF health domains.


  1. Best practice examples of already available ICF examples referring to support planning.


  1. Toolkit with existing links to other projects www.icfcy-meduse.eu , www.icf-school.eu and www.icf-inclusion.net referring to assessment of participation and planning participation goals


      4. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from practical experience with the ICF


Participation in the project:


If you and/or your school wants to participate in the project (e.g. try out the project products), please contact us:


Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis:

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