Praxisvolksschule der PPH Augustinum

As a part of the "Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum" the department "Praxisvolksschule" represents the operative partner in this project. Beside 5 institutes ands 7 BAC and ME studies the Private University also offers practice transfer possibilities for its students. These practice transfer department are the PRAXISschulen with 24 professionals staff and165 students. Training and research activities of PPH Augustinum therefore can be linked to practical piloting and validation with teachers and students. Publication of research results and reports are the results of this cooperation. Praxisvolksschule is an all-day primary school in separate sequences of instruction and afternoon childcare with public status. We understand school partnership as active coexistence in relation to the design and further development of the partner school. We put into action the proven, progressive education-based concepts on the basis of current scientific knowledge and develop methods of forward-looking learning processes. We are a compulsory school with mixed-age classes, consolidated basic education for all students accompanied by different educational focuses (Montessori, Jenaplan, Inclusive Education).